I am responsible for informing this office before the ride of any existing illness, injury or allergy that might affect my ability to undertake the ride or might require treatment during the ride.
I am responsible for informing this office if I am inexperienced on a mountain bike, so the guide could have a different treatment with me.
I understand I cant undergo any excursion with Ride On Bolivia Biking without having medical or travel insurance that covers the activity of mountain biking. I will provide Ride On with the details of my insurance when signing up for the excursion.
If I don’t have insurance I will purchase a short-term insurance policy that covers the duration of the excursion offered by Ride On Bolivia Biking.
I am responsible for paying for damages incurred intentionally or willfully to Ride On Bolivia Biking´s bicycles or equipment. If the damage is accidental or the result of normal use the Agency will not seek redress.
Ride On Bolivia Biking its going to provide me safety equipment for the biking tour like: Full Face Helmet, Knee and Elbow guards, Gloves, Trousers, Jacket and Jersey, so I am responsible for this equipment for the duration of the biking tour during the day and if I lose any of this things, I am agree to pay the price for a new one.
Ride On Bolivia Biking is responsible for organizing and supervising all of its tours, including assigning an experienced guide to the group. The Agency is also responsible for answering any questions I might have about the risks involved in this activity. Riders that sign up for a ride during the rainy season must acknowledge that the weather may be very well adversely affect their trip by way of, but not limited to, reduced visibility, forced modifications to the schedule, especially harsh conditions might be excellent. Under no circumstances will refunds or discounts be offered due to the weather conditions.
Mountain biking excursions, like other adventure sports contain an element of risk. As such I understand that there are risks associated with the activities I will be undertaking with Ride On Bolivia Biking. I accept that it is neither desirable nor feasible to remove all risk from these activities and that this risk is an essential part of the adventure experience and provides the challenge of outdoor activities. I am aware the Ride On Bolivia Biking and its employees will take all reasonable and practicable steps to manage these risks to an acceptable level. I accept personal responsibility for my own actions during this activity, which I undertake at my own risk. I also acknowledge that should I act contrary to, or outside of.
The instructions and advice I have been given, I significantly increase my risk and in doing so will be personally responsible for any consequences. I accept that Ride On Bolivia Biking is not responsible or liable in the event of injury, loss or death resulting during the tour.
I further agree that if I am injured or become ill during the activity, Ride On Bolivia Biking may, at my cost, arrange or supply medical treatment, evacuation or any other emergency services on my behalf as Ride On deems necessary or appropriate for my safety and well being.
Ride On Bolivia Biking reserves the right to cancel or modify the trip for the safety of participants or where conditions make the tour unfeasible in its advertised form. Where the cancellation or modification is the result of circumstances outside of Ride On Bolivia Biking direct control the Agency will not provide any refund. The exception is to this is on occasions where the actual tour activity was never started, in which case Ride On Bolivia Biking will provide a full refund.
Ride On Bolivia Biking explicitly reserves the right for its guides to refuse to allow a participant to ride some or all of the trip if that person presents himself or herself under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Under such circumstances NO REFUND or DISCOUNT or TRANSFER will be issued.
I understand that if for any reason I cancel my participation, need to change the date of the trip for which I signed up, or do not turn up on time for my trip, a cancellation penalty will be deducted from my payment as follows: If its in the morning of the Ride: 100 % penalty The day before the ride after 9 pm: 100 % penalty The day before the ride before 9 pm: 50 % penalty Two days before the ride: 0 % penalty This penalty reflects the real cost to Ride On Bolivia Biking of a client not going at short notice and is fixed, inflexible, and no exceptions will be made, and I specifically understand this (Name):
I declare that I have read attentively, and I agree to, the above 11 points of this Declaration of Risk and Personal Responsibility.